VPP plugin

The hICN-plugin forwarder


A high-performance Hybrid ICN forwarder as a plugin to VPP.

The plugin provides the following functionalities:

  • Fast packet processing

  • Interest aggregation

  • Content caching

  • Forwarding strategies

Quick Start

From the code tree root

(VPP installed with DEB pkg)
$ cd hicn-plugin
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr
$ make
$ sudo make install

(VPP source code -- build type RELEASE)
$ cd hicn-plugin
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DVPP_HOME=<vpp dir>/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<vpp src>/build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp
$ make
$ sudo make install

(VPP source code -- build type DEBUG)
$ cd hicn-plugin
$ mkdir -p build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -DVPP_HOME=<vpp dir>/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<vpp src>/build-root/install-vpp_debug-native/vpp
$ make
$ sudo make install

CMAKE variables:
- CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX -- set the install directory for the hicn-plugin. This is the common path to the lib folder containing vpp_plugins and vpp_api_test_plugins folders. Default is /usr/local.
- VPP_HOME -- set the directory containing the include and lib directories of vpp.

Using hICN plugin


Build dependencies:

Runtime dependencies:

Hardware support (not mandatory):

  • DPDK compatible NICs

Getting started

In order to start, the hICN plugin requires a running instance of VPP The steps required to successfully start hICN are:

  • Setup the host to run VPP

  • Configure VPP to use DPDK compatible nics

  • Start VPP

  • Configure VPP interfaces

  • Configure and start hICN

Detailed information for configuring VPP can be found at https://wiki.fd.io/view/VPP.

Setup the host for VPP

Hugepages must be enabled in the system

sudo sysctl -w vm.nr_hugepages=1024

In order to use a DPDK interface, the uio and uio_pci_generic or vfio_pci modules need to be loaded in the kernel

sudo modprobe uio
sudo modprobe uio_pci_generic
sudo modprobe vfio_pci

If the DPDK interface we want to assign to VPP is up, we must bring it down

sudo ifconfig <interface_name> down


sudo ip link set <interface_name> down

Configure VPP

The file /etc/VPP/startup.conf contains a set of parameters to setup VPP at startup. The following example sets up VPP to use a DPDK interfaces:

unix {
  log /tmp/vpp.log

api-trace {

api-segment {
  gid vpp

dpdk {
  dev 0000:08:00.0

plugins {
        ## Disable all plugins by default and then selectively enable specific plugins
        plugin default { disable }
        plugin dpdk_plugin.so { enable }
        plugin acl_plugin.so { enable }
        plugin memif_plugin.so { enable }
        plugin hicn_plugin.so { enable }

        ## Enable all plugins by default and then selectively disable specific plugins
        # plugin dpdk_plugin.so { disable }
        # plugin acl_plugin.so { disable }

Where 0000:08:00.0 must be replaced with the actual PCI address of the DPDK interface

Start VPP

VPP can be started as a process or a service:

Start VPP as a service in Ubuntu 16.04
$ sudo systemctl start vpp

Start VPP as a process in both 16.04
$ sudo vpp -c /etc/vpp/startup.conf

Configure hICN plugin

The hICN plugin can be configured either using the VPP command-line interface (CLI), through a configuration file or through the VPP binary api

hICN plugin CLI

The CLI commands for the hICN plugin start all with the hicn keyword. To see the full list of command available type:

$ sudo vppctl
vpp# hicn ?

hicn control param: configures the internal parameter of the hICN plugin. This command must be run before hicn control start.

hicn control param { pit { size <entries> | { dfltlife | minlife | maxlife } <seconds> } | cs {size <entries> | app <portion to reserved to app>} }
  <entries>                     :set the maximum number of entry in the PIT or CS. Default for PIT is 131072, for CS is 4096. CS size cannot be grater than PIT size. Moreover CS size must be smaller than (# of vlib buffer - 8196).
  <seconds>                     :set the default, maximum or minimum lifetime of pit entries. Default value 2s (default), 0.2s (minumum), 20s (maximum)
  <portion to reserved to app>  :set the portion of CS to reserve to application running locally on the forwarder. Default is 30% of the cs size.

hicn control start: starts the hICN plugin in VPP.

hicn control stop : stops the hICN plugin in VPP. Currently not supported.

hicn face app : manipulates producer and consumer application faces in the forwarder.

hicn face app {add intfc <sw_if> {prod prefix <hicn_prefix> cs_size <size_in_packets>} {cons}} | {del <face_id>}
  <sw_if>                     :software interface existing in vpp on top of which to create an application face
  <hicn_prefix>               :prefix to bound to the producer application face. Only content matching the prefix will be allowed through such face.
  <size_in_packets>           :content store size associated to the producer face.
  <face_id>                   :id of the face to remove

hicn face ip: manipulates ip application faces in the forwarder.

hicn face ip {add [local <src_address>] remote <dst_address> intfc <sw_if>} | {del id <face_id>}
  <src_address>               :the IPv4 or IPv6 local IP address to bind to (not mandatory, if not specified the local address is one of the address assigned to sw_if)
  <dst_address>               :the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the remote system
  <sw_if>                     :software interface on thop of which we create the face
  <face_id>                   :id of the face to remove

hicn face show: list the available faces in the forwarder.

hicn face show [<face_id>| type <ip/udp>]
  <face_id>                   :face id of which we want to display the informations
  <ip/udp>                    :shows all the ip or udp faces available

hicn face udp: manipulates udp application faces in the forwarder.

hicn face udp {add src_addr <src_address> port <src_port > dst_addr <dst_address> port <dst_port>} intfc <sw_if> | {del id <face_id>}
  <src_address>             :the IPv4 or IPv6 local IP address to bind to
  <src_port>                :the local UDP port
  <dst_address>             :the IPv4 or IPv6 address of the remote system
  <dst_port>                :the remote UDP port
  <sw_if>                   :software interface on thop of which we create the face
  <face_id>                 :id of the face to remove

hicn fib: manipulates hicn fib entries.

hicn fib {{add | delete } prefix <prefix> face <face_id> } | set strategy <strategy_id> prefix <prefix>
  <prefix>                  :prefix to add to the FIB
  <face_id>                 :face id to add as nexto hop in the FIB entry
  <strategy_id>             :set a strategy for the corresponding prefix

hicn pgen client: set an vpp forwarder as an hicn packet generator client

hicn pgen client fwd <ip|hicn> src <addr> n_ifaces <n_ifaces> name <prefix> lifetime <interest-lifetime> intfc <data in-interface> max_seq <max sequence number> n_flows <number of flows>
  <ip|hicn>                 :set if the underlying forwarder is configured as ip or hicn
  <src_addr>                :source address to use in the interests, i.e., the locator for routing the data packet back
  <n_ifaces>                :set the number of ifaces (consumer faces) to emulate. If more than one, each interest is sent <n_ifaces> times, each of it with a different source address calculated from <src_addr>
  <prefix>                  :prefix to use to generate hICN names
  <interest-lifetime>       :lifetime of the interests
  <data in-interface>       :interface through which the forwarder receives data
  <max sequence number>     :max the sequence number to use in the interest. Cycling between 0 and this value
  <number of flows>         :emulate multiple flows downloaded in parallel

hicn pgen server: set an vpp forwarder as an hicn packet generator client

hicn pgen server fwd <ip|hicn> name <prefix> intfc <interest in-interface> size <payload_size>
  <ip|hicn>                     :set if the underlying forwarder is configured as ip or hicn
  <prefix>                      :prefix to use to reply to interest
  <interest in-interface>       :interface through which the forwarder receives interest
  <payload_size>                :size of the data payload

hicn punting: manipulates punting rules

hicn punting {add|delete} prefix <prefix> intfc <sw_if> {type ip | type <udp4|udp6> src_port <src_port> dst_port <dst_port>}
  <prefix>                      :prefix to punt to the hICN plugin
  <sw_if>                       :software interface where to apply the punting
  <ip|udp4|udp6>                :creates a punting rule for hICN packet encapsulated into a ip4/6|udp tunnel or for regular hicn packet
  <src_port>                    :source port of the udp4/6 tunnel
  <dst_port>                    :destination port of the udp4/6 tunnel

hicn show: show forwarder information.

hicn show [detail] [strategies]
  <detail>                      :shows additional details as pit,cs entries allocation/deallocation
  <strategies>                  :shows only the available strategies int he forwarder

hicn strategy mw set: set the weight for a face.

hicn strategy mw set prefix <prefix> face <face_id> weight <weight>
  <prefix>                      :prefix to which the strategy applies
  <face_id>                     :id of the face to set the weight
  <weight>                       :weight

hICN plugin configuration file

A configuration can be use to setup the hicn plugin when vpp starts. The configuration file is made of a list of CLI commands. In order to set vpp to read the configuration file, the file /etc/vpp/startup.conf needs to be modified as follows:

unix {
  log /tmp/vpp.log
  startup-config <path to configuration file>

hICN plugin binary API

The binary api, or the vapi, can be used as well to configure the hicn plugin. For each cli command there is a corresponding message in the binary api. The list of messages is available in the file hicn.api (located in hicn/hicn-plugin/src/)

Example: consumer and producer Ping

In this example, we connect two vpp forwarders, A and B, each of them running the hicn plugin. On top of forwarder A we run the ping_client application, on top of forwarder B we run the ping_server application. Each application connects to the underlying forwarder through a memif-interface. The two forwarders are connected through a dpdk link.

Forwarder A

$ sudo vppctl
vpp# set interface ip address TenGigabitEtherneta/0/0 2001::2/64
vpp# set interface state TenGigabitEtherneta/0/0 up
vpp# hicn control start
vpp# hicn face ip add local 2001::2 remote 2001::3 intfc TenGigabitEtherneta/0/0
vpp# hicn fib add prefix b002::1/64 face 0
vpp# hicn punting add prefix b002::1/64 intfc TenGigabitEtherneta/0/0 type ip

Forwarder B

$ sudo vppctl
vpp# set interface ip address TenGigabitEtherneta/0/1 2001::3/64
vpp# set interface state TenGigabitEtherneta/0/1 up
vpp# hicn control start
vpp# hicn punting add prefix b002::1/64 intfc TenGigabitEtherneta/0/1 type ip

Once the two forwarder are started, run the ping_server application on the host where the forwarder B is running

sudo ping_server -n b002::1

and the client on the host where forwarder B is running

sudo ping_client -n b002::1